Career Exploration Resources
Check out this section for helpful ideas, links, and guides on how to explore employment:
Career Exploration Guide
Great Work made a Career Exploration guide just for you to help you explore employment and working in the community. We’re excited for you to try it out.
Ice-Breaker: Exploring Employment
If you like playing games, the Exploring Employment ice-breaker could help you discover some information about your participant that can help with their job goal and job hunt!
Instructions: (2 players needed):
Roll the dice to advance.
Answer the question that matches the number you landed on (on the second page). If you are playing virtually, you can add up the numbers instead of moving!
First person above 20 wins!
Pictorial: Interest Inventory
If you’re someone who communicates or learns best by picture!s or images, pictorial interest inventories may be a useful tool for you to try!
CAREERwise is a career quiz that lets you rate yourself on 60 different work-related interests. At the end of the quiz, you will find out which careers and related majors are a good match for your interests.
Traitify is a career quiz that recommends careers, jobs, and education based on your personality and the answers you choose.
How can Great Work help you explore careers?
These are quizzes, tests, and handouts that help you figure out what jobs you may be interested in. We'll find ones you like and can provide assistance as you take them!
A business shows you around and what it's like to work at that business! They typically last 30 – 45 minutes.
These are informal conversations between you and someone who has a job you're interested in. They typically last 20 minutes.
These are unpaid chances for you to try out a job at a place you're interested in working at. These typically last 1 to 2 days. Our goal is to get you to explore the community and find jobs that you may like! There are tons out there... even working at a beef jerky gift shop!
You can watch a worker work in the industry or job of your choice. These typically last thirty minutes to an hour.
We can provide additional or customized services fit to your needs.
What E1MN service would be the right fit to explore careers?
If you want to learn about working in the community, want help figuring out what to do for work, or want help addressing barriers, Engage Phase Services may be right for you!
If you want help clarifying your job goal, want help planning for it, and resume & cover letter help, our EDS- Plan Phase Services may be right for you!
The E1MN Framework
The Employment First Minnesota Framework (E1MN) is designed to help make sure that we help you find a job and keep a job that is a perfect fit for you! Click below to learn more about each phase: