Find Phase Services
We’ll get you a job that’s a perfect fit for your strengths and likes.
Find Phase Services include a comprehensive job search.
We can help you find jobs, apply, manage correspondences, interview, and help with onboarding.
Ways we help you job hunt:
Identify job openings or create possible job matches
Setup and help manage a professional email account
Assist with applications
Coordinate and attend interviews
Assist with job offer evaluation and negotiation
Provide support during onboarding
If you want help looking for a job, applying to jobs, or interview help, our Find Phase Services may be right for you.
If you’re still unsure, read the below quotes to see if any of them apply to you! If so, Find Phase Services might be a great fit for you!
“I want guidance looking for a job.”
“I want guidance applying for a job.”
“I want guidance interviewing for a job.”
“I want guidance negotiating my wage and evaluating job offers.”
We get started with Keep Phase services, so we’re able to support you at your job site. Awesome job getting an offer!
We already did that in the Plan Phase! We can provide touch ups and quick edits in the Find Phase, though.
Most times VRS funds the Find Phase service. We’ll help you through the process!
You’ll get another awesome team member in a VRS counselor to make sure your employment goals are reached.
In rare situations where you are not eligible for VRS, we can provide Employment Development Services - Find Phase through your Waiver.
The E1MN Framework
The Employment First Minnesota Framework (E1MN) is designed to help make sure that we help you find a job and keep a job that is a perfect fit for you! Click below to learn more about each phase: