Keep Phase Services
Want help achieving your workplace goals or talking with your boss?
During Keep Phase we provide individualized support to help you succeed in your job!
Our model is to provide more intensive initial support and then fade back our support to foster independence and a genuine employment relationship between the person we’re supporting and their employer.
Services are tailored to YOU, but here are some ways that we support our participants at their jobsite…
Intensive initial support to learn the job and how to navigate the workplace
Typically 1-1, on-the-job support for only the first few shifts and then we fade our support.
Breaking larger responsibilities into smaller tasks and creating assistive tools, visual aids, and checklists
Training on job responsibilities, appropriate workplace behavior, and/or professional workplace relationships
Researching available transportation options and providing transportation training
Coaching to understand wages and benefits
Guidance and support navigating the “interactive process” with employer to request workplace accommodations
Assistance connecting with assistive technology resources
Assistance in receiving a promotion or a raise
Maintaining regular contact with the employer to support continued success as needs arises
Building independence and identifying areas where staff support can be reduced, ended, or transitioned to a natural support
If you already have a job and would like some workplace guidance, support reaching your employment goals, or help to navigate the accommodation process our Keep Phase Services may be right for you.
If you’re still unsure, read the below quotes to see if any of them apply to you! If so, Keep Phase Services might be a great fit for you!
“I have a job and I want guidance becoming independent at my job site.”
“I have a job and I want guidance getting a raise or promotion.”
“I have a job and I want guidance learning a new task or job duty!”
“I have a job and want guidance breaking larger responsibilities into smaller tasks, creating assistive tools, visual aids, and check-lists.”
“I have a job and want coaching and training on job tasks and responsibilities, appropriate workplace behaviors, how to navigate the workplace (ie how to request time off),
“I have a job and I want guidance making workplace friends at my worksite or improving my workplace and professional relationship skills.”
“I have a job and I want guidance with my workplace self-care, dress, hygiene, and grooming.”
“I have a job and I want help researching different transportation options that fit my needs and/or training and training on my available options.”
“I have a job and I want counseling and coaching to understand benefits.”
“I have a job and want help requesting an accommodation or learning about the accommodation process.”
“I have a job and I want help arranging assistive technology.”
“I have a job and would like someone to maintain contact with my employer to help me communicate and reach my workplace goals!”
Keep Phase services are about supporting you at your current job.
We’d need to enroll you in a separate service, but would be happy to do help you with your resume.
Keep Phase services are about supporting you at your current job.
We’d need to enroll you in a separate service, but would be happy to do so after evaluating the pros and cons of looking for a new job.
The E1MN Framework
The Employment First Minnesota Framework (E1MN) is designed to help make sure that we help you find a job and keep a job that is a perfect fit for you! Click below to learn more about each phase: