EDS-Plan Phase Services

Planning for employment will be a breeze with our help!

If you know what you want to do for work and want help planning for it (including resume & cover letter help), our EDS- Plan Phase Services may be right for you!

EDS – Plan stands for Employment Development Services – Plan Phase.

During EDS-Plan Phase Services, we work with you to help you prepare for a successful and efficient job search. 

Ways we help you plan for employment:

  • Background Check

    We’ll run a background check and go over the results with you so you’ll know exactly what potential employers will see.

  • Benefits Analysis

    We’ll make sure you understand the benefits you receive and how earning income from a job could impact these benefits. We’ll use calculators to help you compare your monthly income in several different employment scenarios.

  • Clear and Realistic Job Goal

    To help clarify and refine your upcoming job search, we’ll help you define a clear and realistic goal. We can arrange informational interviews, business tours, job shadows and/or job try-outs that will help you gain insight into different job opportunities and valuable experience to add to your resume.

  • High Five

    After completing the above elements we’ll give you a virtual “high-five” to celebrate the launch of your job search! And we’ll also provide you at least 5 open job postings that meet your job goal that you can use to springboard your job search.

  • Resume & Cover Letter Help

    We’ll help you make a resume that highlights your strengths, skills, and experience to potential employers. We’ll be able to assist you to make a traditional resume, a visual resume, or a video resume.

    We’ll help you create a sample cover letter that you can tailor to different job postings, companies, and positions.

  • Sample Application

    Sample Application

    We’ll complete a sample job application with you to make sure you can submit a complete application when you’re ready to start your job search.

  • Transportation Plan

    We’ll make a plan and back-up plan for how you’ll get to work. We’ll ensure you’re trained and confident in using your chosen transportation mode.


  • If you want help clarifying your job goal, want help planning for your job hunt (including resume & cover letter help), our EDS- Plan Phase Services may be right for you!

    If you’re still unsure, read the below quotes to see if any of them apply to you! If so, EDS-Plan Phase Services might be a great fit for you!

    • “I have an idea of what I want to do for work and I want to work in the community! I need guidance planning or training in transportation.”

    • “I have an idea of what I want to do for work and I want to work in the community! I need guidance planning how my benefits will be affected.”

    • “I have an idea of what I want to do for work and I want to work in the community! I need guidance planning how to get a job with a criminal record.”

    • “I have an idea of what I want to do for work and I want to work in the community! I need guidance planning how to get a job with a criminal record.”

    • “I have an idea of what I want to do for work and I want to work in the community! I need guidance on my resume or cover letter.”

    • “I have an idea of what I want to do for work and I want to work in the community. I want to explore jobs in the community to gain experience to add to my resume.”

    • “I have an idea of what I want to do for work, but may need some quick exploration activities to help me decide on a clear job goal.”

  • After we finish the EDS-Plan, we can immediately start job searching!

    This is exciting!

  • We want to make sure that all potential barriers are addressed and you have a great idea for what you want to do! We don’t want to waste your time giving you positions you aren’t interested in.

The E1MN Framework

The Employment First Minnesota Framework (E1MN) is designed to help make sure that we help you find a job and keep a job that is a perfect fit for you! Click below to learn more about each phase: