Resume and Cover Letter Resources

Resume and Cover Letter Resources:
Traditional Resume Template
This is a template for a traditional resume.
Skills-Based Resume Template
This is a template for a skills-based resume. This can be great if you have minimal work experience.
Visual Skills-Based Resume Template
This is a template for a visual skills-based resume. This can be great if you have minimal work experience.
Cover Letter Template
This is a template for a cover letter.
Resume Help: Experience Section
Great Work made you a guide to help you buff up or create the experience section of your resume!
Indeed: Resume Templates
Indeed: Resume Examples
Indeed: Cover Letter Examples
I haven’t ever had a job before. What do I do?
That’s okay! Look below for some handy tips.
Think of any past volunteer work you’ve done. You don’t have to be paid for something to put it on your resume.
Think of any family members or friends that you’ve helped or done favors for. If those favors relate to the job you’re applying for, you can put them on your resume.
For example, let’s say you are applying to be a janitor and sweep floors for your grandma every weekend. You can put that under the experience section!
Think of some chores that you do around your home. If they relate to the job, you can make them an experience on your resume!
Add more detail to the education or training section. Put the certifications you are awarded and the classes, workshops, and seminars you attended that relate to the job or industry you are applying for.
Make a list of all the skills that you have that relate to the company or job you are applying for. Add more information about each skill and how you’ve applied it in the past. Try to avoid adding skills that don’t have to do with the position you’re applying for.
Gather references! Ask family, friends, teachers, service workers, or other important people in your life to vouch for you.
Great Work can help you think of and find related experiences from your past to put on your resumé. We can also work with you to skill build and get more experiences or training to add to your resumé!
We can also help you create a resumé that is a perfect fit for you and your experiences. Besides the traditional resumé, we can make our clients a skills-based resume, video resume, or visual resumé.
I have gaps in my resume. What are some tips?
Be honest! No need to go into detail, though.
Talk about what skills or strengths you gained in that gap period.
Talk about non-traditional work experiences you did during that gap! Examples are places that you volunteer at or caregiver roles! You can put them on your resume as experience.
Leave out the months on your resume and just put the year.
Talk about the employment gaps in your cover letter. Give the great reasoning behind the gap, but make sure not to give too much personal detail and keep it professional.
How can Great Work help me with my cover letter and resume?
What E1MN service would be the right fit to explore careers?
If you want help clarifying your job goal, want help planning for it, and resume & cover letter help, our EDS- Plan Phase Services may be right for you!
The E1MN Framework
The Employment First Minnesota Framework (E1MN) is designed to help make sure that we help you find a job and keep a job that is a perfect fit for you! Click below to learn more about each phase: