Social Skill Tips
Tips on how to introduce yourself
When you pass by someone, smile and say hello.
Don’t say no to taking breaks with coworkers because you’re shy! If they offer to take lunch or a break with you, they probably want to get to know you!
Don’t be offended if someone doesn’t seem friendly! You can always say hello another day. They may be busy, or they may be shy.
Questions you can ask to start conversations
How are you doing today?
How long have you worked here? What do you do here?
What did you do this weekend?
Do you have any fun plans coming up?
Did you do anything fun recently?
Do you have any pets?
Do you have any kids?
Do you have any siblings?
What’s your favorite food?
Have you watched any TV lately? What shows do you watch?
Stay away from these topics
Anything medical
Anything negative about your friends, family, or former workplace
Anything that is a hot topic for debate
Anything that is offensive or not okay to talk about in the workplace
Try to think before you speak and make sure what you’re saying is respectful and appropriate!
It’s a skill that takes practice. No worries if you need to work on it a bit!
Learning Names
Do you have trouble remembering names?
This quick activity gives you some tips and a tool to help you remember your coworkers’ names!
Conflict Resolution
Want some tips about solving workplace conflicts and scenarios?
Download the Conflict Resolution activity!
How can Great Work help you at your jobsite?
We can provide additional or customized services fit to your needs.
What E1MN service would be the right fit for us to help you build workplace skills?
If you want to learn about working in the community, want help figuring out what to do for work, or want help addressing barriers, Engage Phase Services may be right for you!
If you want help clarifying your job goal, want help planning for it, and resume & cover letter help, our EDS- Plan Phase Services may be right for you!
If you already have a job and would like some workplace guidance, support reaching your employment goals, or help to navigate the accommodation process our Keep Phase Services may be right for you.
The E1MN Framework
The Employment First Minnesota Framework (E1MN) is designed to help make sure that we help you find a job and keep a job that is a perfect fit for you! Click below to learn more about each phase: