45-Day Meetings

45-Day Meeting Overview

45 Day meetings are to meant to make sure the client and their team are happy with Great Work services and to give an opportunity for them to share things they like and other things they may want to be changed.

45 Day meetings are scheduled 45 days after the intake meeting. You can tell if a 45-Day Meeting needs to be scheduled by the service start date (found on the 6790 or in REV).

We also need to get paperwork signed that includes an Annual Plan (see 00_Admission_45_Day Checklist for more information about what documents need to be completed).

Important Deadlines: 45-Day meetings must be completed within 45 calendar days of the Intake Date.

What documents do we update?

Meeting Summary

This gives an outline of things to bring up during the meeting and is an opportunity to talk about how employment fits into all aspects of their life, such as home, cultural and social life​.

Annual Plan

This describes the services we provide, health concerns, and risk of abuse. ​It is nearly identical to the Initial Plan we update during the Intake Meeting.

Phase Service Document

This document outlines the specific goals being worked on in each phase of the E1MN framework (i.e. Engage, Plan or Keep)​.

Important Information: Make sure you fill in all of the blank spots! If it doesn’t apply, type “NA”!

45-Day Meeting Scheduling Email Template:

Annual meetings include your participant and members of your participant’s team!


Great Work’s 45-Day Meeting for [INSERT PARTICIPANT’S NAME] is due on [INSERT DUE DATE FOR MEETING].

During 45-Day Meetings, we go over some documentation and see what’s been going well or if any changes are needed to be made!

My availability for the next couple of weeks are



Please let me know what times work for you and if you have any questions!


45-Day Meeting Resources

Guided 45-Day Meeting Documents

Blank Annual documents with red guided text are located in 06_Guided_Documents. If your participant folder doesn’t have them, make a copy of them in your participants folder.

Example 45-Day Meeting Documents

Examples of the 45-Day Meeting Summary and Annual Plan are linked.

The E1MN Framework

The Employment First Minnesota Framework (E1MN) is designed to help make sure that Great Work helps our participants explore employment, plan for employment, find a job, and keep a job that is a perfect fit for them! Click below to learn more about each phase: